Science Labs
We believe in the foundational conjecture that, “it is the underlying premise of laboratory exercise that doing something that helps one understand it”. Here we engage students from classes 5th to 12th grade on hands on scientific experiments, where in they discover by themselves and arrive at conclusions on various science concepts. Various modules are prepared based on the curriculum for the scientific experiments. Through interactive cycles of educational design, enactment and analysis, students engage in sustained scientific investigation of the natural world. The institution has a junior science lab and senior science lab to meet the varied needs of the students at all the levels.
Physics Lab
The Physics lab of the school is well equipped with electrical and electronic devices. All the equipment necessary for the practical classes are made readily available. Manometers, bar magnets, physical balances, u tubes etc. are few of the equipment to mention.
Chemistry Lab
The Chemistry lab in our school is spacious, well lit and well equipped. It can accommodate about 40 students at one stretch. The lab is provided with the necessary infrastructure to develop the scientific skills in the students. Chemicals, apparatus, gas burner and other practical materials are readily available for practical sessions.
Biology Lab
The Biology Labs are well equipped to carry out practical for classes upto 12th std. The labs are very spacious, well ventilated and well lit with individual wash area, and so on. The lab at a time can accommodate 40 students. Lab is well stocked with compound microscopes, dissection microscopes, plant specimens, specimens, permanent slides, charts etc.
Computer Science Lab
We have two computer labs. Each lab is equipped with 20 dual core computers well equipped with multimedia, LAN, printers and UPS for continuous power supply. Wi-fi based internet connectivity enables easy and fast access for the needy.
Maths Lab
With fun oriented activities, students explore new concepts and after testing their validity practically, they accept these concepts. The laboratory provides opportunity to exhibit the relatedness of mathematical concepts with everyday life.
We are equipped with abacus boards, beadsm peg boards, all scales fraction sets, etc. from renowned centers like Ramanujam Centre, Kido Enterprises, NIIT Math Lab etc.
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