The vision and mission of any school can be attained if the school is able to inculcate the leadership qualities in the students effectively. Investiture ceremony is one of the occasions where the school recognises the student leaders by honouring them for their ability to emerge as leaders.

“The Investiture Ceremony” was conducted at Vagdevi Vilas School, Marathahalli on 24th August, 2022. The ceremony was conducted with much zeal and enthusiasm. Every student of Vagdevi Vilas School was greatly excited to see their elected School Pupil leaders getting honoured in a grand ceremonial event.

The event commenced with flag hoisting and general salute. The Honourable chairperson Shri.K Harish honoured all the budding leaders of the respective houses with sashes, badges and flags. The leaders took the oath with a strong feeling of conviction and sincerity. The chairman addressed the gathering with his valuable words. He inspired the students by telling how one can learn the most important lessons of life by observing the simplest things around oneself. He emphasised mainly on discipline by giving a perfect example of ants moving in a line, no matter whatever obstacles come in their way and how one can attain the most difficult goals of one’s life by having a self -disciplined approach. His modest and touching words made a deep impact on the students and the teachers.

Our Principal, Smt.Y. Padma Sagar appreciated and congratulated all the elected members. Various cultural programmes marked the occasion.

The event came to an end on a satisfactory note with vote of thanks delivered by the School Pupil Leader Master Advaith Sanil Kumar who expressed his gratitude to one and all.