The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.”
World Environment Day Celebrations were held at Vagdevi Vilas School, Marathahalli on June 09, 2023.
The main aim of the event was to increase awareness among students about the importance of the environment and the need to protect it. Students were very enthusiastic and prepared posters and placards with slogans on protecting the environment. A cultural event was organized on the occasion of Environment Day.
The event started with an environmental pledge by everyone on preserving the environment. This was followed by welcome address by students. The celebrations consisted of many events such as group song by the students of Std 5 & 6, group dance by the students of Std 7 to 12 ,on how we can stop deforestation and plant more trees to save our mother nature.
Principal Smt.Y.Padma Sagar ,through her motivational address, laid emphasis on the role of the environment in our lives and encouraged the students to keep our environment beautiful and clean.
A wonderful mime show was put up by the students of Grade 9 displaying the adverse effects of polluting the environment with a plea to protect our environment and stop pollution. Students also participated enthusiastically in the environmental rally shouting various slogans on environmental awareness.
The events were whole-heartedly enjoyed by each and everyone.The Celebrations created awareness about our environment and ways to keep it clean and healthy, fostering a sense of gratitude for mother nature.
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