Environment day Celebrations

Environment day was celebrated 0n 19-06-2018 at Vagdevi Vilas School , Marathahalli.

Chairman Shri. K Harish, the chief guest for the day addressed the students and emphasized to drastically reduce the use of plastic. He encouraged the students to use paper bags or cloth bags, metal water bottles, steel plates , glasses and cutlery not only at home but also for all occasions and celebrations where more people gather.

Children across all the levels gave a variety of cultural  programmes .they emphasized on the ill effects of using plastic and the corrective measures that every citizen can take to make the earth a better place for humanity to live in.

During the course of this environment month of June ,various activities and competitions are conducted based on the theme of a safe and green India.

Students actively participated in an intensive planting campaign at Vagdevi Vilas School ,Whitefield . Paper bags were distributed to the nearby community after spreading the message of the importance of keeping our neighbourhood , city, country and the whole world green and clean.

Chairman’s Message

Dear parents, Welcome to the Vagdevi Vilas family. At Vagdevi Vilas, we believe that every human being ( vyakti) has a latent strength (shakti) which is waiting to be realized. A strength which is moving towards perfection.

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